KKHSOU Model Questions & Answers On BA 2nd Semester- Political Science Theory Part B UG PS S201


KKHSOU Model Questions & Answers On BA 2nd Semester- Political Science Theory Part B UG PS S201” is likely a valuable resource designed for students enrolled in the BA 2nd Semester Political Science program at KKHSOU (Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University). This book likely provides a collection of model questions and answers, aiding students in preparing for their exams.

Students pursuing the BA 2nd Semester Political Science program at KKHSOU can likely benefit from this book as a study guide and reference, potentially improving their performance in their academic pursuits.

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KKHSOU Model Questions & Answers On BA 2nd Semester- Political Science Theory Part B UG PS S201” is likely a valuable resource designed for students enrolled in the BA 2nd Semester Political Science program at KKHSOU (Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University). This book likely provides a collection of model questions and answers, aiding students in preparing for their exams.

Students pursuing the BA 2nd Semester Political Science program at KKHSOU can likely benefit from this book as a study guide and reference, potentially improving their performance in their academic pursuits.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 25 × 22 × 2 cm


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